"Lyrical and haunting...
With this novel, Dunmore should rank high among writers like Kipling who explore war, its aftermath, and its lies."-- Washington Independent Review of Books "A poignant reminder that throughout history, the battle is far from over after a soldier returns home....
As this impeccable and finely wrought literary tale winds to a chilling conclusion, readers will themselves be haunted by its evocative portrayal of a life-defining friendship and loss."-- Bookpa. "Lyrical and haunting...
With this novel, Dunmore should rank high among writers like Kipling who explore war, its aftermath, and its lies."-- Washington Independent Review of Books "A poignant reminder that throughout history, the battle is far from over after a soldier returns home....
As this impeccable and finely wrought literary tale winds to a chilling conclusion, readers will themselves be haunted by its evocative portrayal of a life-defining friendship and loss."-- Bookpa