Regardless of age, we all struggle at times with letting our real feelings and needs be heard.
Grab your copy today to set your child on their path to growth, social emotional learning and self-advocacy..
Encourages friendship and inclusion for all.
Empowers children to be their authentic selves.
They beCome more sensitive and empathetic.
Children beCome better advocates for themselves and others.
The Lonely Toadstool prompts organic discussions with children about: Behind the Book - Benefits for Children When children practice sharing feelings, wants and needs, they learn to set healthy boundaries.
As if holding their hand in friendship, this enchanting poetic story gently encourages the reader to see the importance of letting their own emotions and needs be known and to experience the unexpected human joy of exchanging loneliness for love and acceptance.
Forest animals, a gnome, a fairy, insects and more, all creatures he thought were very different from him, hear his cry, and his anguish causes them to cease their activities and form a search party to help their neighbor in need.
When the Lonely toadstool can no longer hold in his loneliness and despair, he lets out a cry and is surprised when the result is newfound Friends and a welCome feeling of peace.
This is the message of The Lonely Toadstool , a story That empowers children to express themselves, knowing they are safe and will be surrounded with a caring community.
Regardless of age, we all struggle at times with letting our real feelings and needs be heard