The fifth title in our popular quotation collection series, this volume gathers words by and about musicians.
To hear Beethoven and John Lee Hooker "talk" about how they keep track of their musical ideas, so as not to lose them, or Mozart and Steven Tyler complain about ongoing money challenges, reminds us all that the creative process bridges time and place, and music is indeed a universal language..
It\'s honest, wry, and sometimes very moving.
This is a collection of bright, intriguing, and provocative quotations from those who have spent a lifetime writing songs and performing them in front of loyal audiences.
The Musician Says resembles a dinner or cocktail party, with a Musician from the nineteenth century chatting with one practicing today, or two contemporary musicians talking to each other--complimenting, competing, disagreeing.
One quotation per page--the quote on the left and right side of the spread responding in some way to each other.
The fifth title in our popular quotation collection series, this volume gathers words by and about musicians