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The Nucleus of Reality: or the Recollections of Thomas P-, Paperback/L. a. Davenport - P-Wave Press

The Nucleus of Reality: or the Recollections of Thomas P-, Paperback/L. a. Davenport
63 Lei


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Cumpara the nucleus of p-wave press de calitate.
Pe yeo poti sa gasesti cel mai bun pret pentru the nucleus of p-wave press

The truth is all around you Thomas P- is exhausted.
Haunted by a magnificent b.
But when it happens again, in a different restaurant, in a different city, Thomas\'s world begins to unravel.
Deeply shaken, he tries to carry on as if nothing happened.
Exactly as she was twenty years ago, when they first knew each other.
And then, while waiting for a table at a restaurant, he sees someone from his past.
He\'s been travelling for work so much he barely knows where he is.
The truth is all around you Thomas P- is exhausted

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