A must-read for every concerned American--and especially for every Christian who weeps at the graveside of his culture.
The only hope is in Christ alone.. we depend entirely on one amazing thing: the incredibly powerful message of the Gospel to a sinful world, which is the ultimate expression and goal of Twoism. . .
For bodily holiness and transformed thinking .
The Other Worldview exposes the pagan roots of Oneism, traces its spread throughout Western culture, and demonstrates its inability to save.
Every religion and philosophy fits into one of two basic worldviews: Oneism asserts that everything is essentially one, while Twoism affirms an irreducible distinction between creation and Creator.
Sproul A cataclysmic change has occurred as our culture has shifted toward belief in Oneism. --R.
A must-read for every concerned American--and especially for every Christian who weeps at the graveside of his culture