Once upon a time, in a parallel universe, there existed the continent of Triton...
And no one is safe..
What they don\'t know is a diabolical Plan has commenced...
They know the battle ahead will be a fierce one they cannot lose.
The lovers are united, but their stories have just begun.
Now they face political intrigues, religious zealotry, father against son, wife against husband, a mother\'s plotting, a sister\'s envy, grief, betrayal and despair as the prophesied journey across the sands of Firenze into the lush green of Wodell.
Our four warriors and four witches, destined mates, have begun their adventure, knowing the fate of their world is at stake, but not having any idea there are other factions plotting against them.
And Triton is in turmoil.
The Beast has been stirred.
The prophecy has begun.
Once upon a time, in a parallel universe, there existed the continent of Triton..