Penned with a compelling elegance and charm, the Practical Art of Suicide Assessment is brimming with clinical wisdom, enlightening case illustrations and a vibrant sense of compassion.
Mental Health Presses is pleased to re-issue this classic in contemporary Suicide prevention (originally published in 2002)..
Respected across the globe, the Practical Art of Suicide Assessment has been translated into languages as diverse as French and Japanese.
Shea concludes the book with a no-nonsense approach to documenting a Suicide risk assessment that can both help to save a client\'s life as well as keep the clinician out of court.
It has the power to meaningfully save lives.
It should be taught to any front-line clinician.
I believe that the CASE Approach is a remarkable conceptual and clinical contribution to the field of suicidology. as follows: The CASE Approach moves the clinician almost imperceptibly into the secret internal workings of the mind and soul of the patient tormented by suicidal ideation.
The CASE Approach has been described by the noted suicidologist and past President of the American Association of Suicidology, David Jobes, Ph.
Shea, the originator of the CASE Approach, shows exactly how to creatively and flexibly use its innovative interviewing techniques to match the unique needs of every client.
Shea brings to life the highly acclaimed interview strategy for uncovering suicidal ideation, planning, behavior and intent the Chronological Assessment of Suicide Events (CASE Approach).
In addition Dr.
He skillfully integrates all of this information for the reader by using real-life case examples and addressing daunting clinical challenges head-on such as assessing Suicide risk with clients coping with borderline personality disorder or psychotic process.
Shea explores the causes of suicidal ideation as well as the nuances of risk actors, protective factors, and the complexities of the clinical formulation of risk.
Viewed as one of the classics in the field of Mental health, and acclaimed by both beginning students and experienced clinicians alike, it describes in a step-by-step fashion exactly how to make a sound Suicide assessment.
Penned with a compelling elegance and charm, the Practical Art of Suicide Assessment is brimming with clinical wisdom, enlightening case illustrations and a vibrant sense of compassion