Here is an essential reference for writers -- From the self-published to those published by major houses -- written by a leading Book publicist who pitches books to media every day of her working life.
She lives in Salem, New Hampshire..
Warren holds a BS in English education From Miami University and an mfa in creative writing From Bennington College.
An experienced promoter of both fiction and nonfiction, Ms.
Godine, Houghton Mifflin, and Perseus Publishing, for whom she is currently Senior Director of Publicity at Boston\'s Da Capo Press.
About author(s): Lissa Warren has worked in the publicity departments of David R.
The Savvy Author\'s Guide to Book Publicity covers everything From how to write press material, targeting the right shows and publications, following up effectively with the media, and hiring people who can help ensure that every bookseller and consumer has a chance to hear an author\'s message loud and clear.
Warren\'s advice is buttressed by her stories of authors -- the enterprising, the shy, the well-prepared, and the novice -- relating tours gone awry, best-sellers made and nearly made, and great and not-so-great author/publicist collaboration.
Each chapter details what happens to a Book once it\'s off press, and how authors can be helpful in the promotion process -- or even spearhead it if need be -- to get the coverage they deserve.
Berry Brazelton, poet Mary Oliver, and economist John Kenneth Galbraith, Da Capo Press Senior Director of Publicity Lissa Warren covers Book promotion with a publicist, without a publicist, and when a publicist isn\'t getting results.
Tapping into her years publicizing such authors as pediatrician Dr.
Here is an essential reference for writers -- From the self-published to those published by major houses -- written by a leading Book publicist who pitches books to media every day of her working life