In a world where humans a minority and androids have created their own civilization, a wandering storyteller meets the beautiful android Ibis.
At a glance, these Stories do not appear to have any sort of connection, but what is the true meaning behind them? What are Ibis\' real intentions?.
The Stories that Ibis speaks of are the 7 novels about the events surrounding the announcements of the development of artificial intelligence (AI) in the 20th to 21st centuries.
One day, he is abducted by Ibis, an android in the form of a young girl, and told of the Stories created by humans in the ancient past.
In this brutal time, our main character travels from colony to colony as a ``storyteller,`` one that speaks of the Stories of the past.
They resent the androids, who have built themselves a stable and cultural society.
The story takes place centuries in the future, where the diminished populations of humans live uncultured lives in their own colonies.
She tells him seven Stories of human/android interaction in order to reveal the secret behind humanity\'s fall.
In a world where humans a minority and androids have created their own civilization, a wandering storyteller meets the beautiful android Ibis.
L to R (Western Style).
She tells him seven Stories of human/android interaction in order to reveal the secret behind humanity\'s fall.
In a world where humans a minority and androids have created their own civilization, a wandering storyteller meets the beautiful android Ibis