In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world\'s Strongest Sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation! ONE BOY WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO BE THE WORLD\'S STRONGEST...
NOT EVEN TAKING TESTS! After entering the Rajinia Alliance, Matthias and his companions begin their grind to become A-rank adventurers.
For Matty, when things become more difficult than expected or intended, that\'s when the fun starts!.
The first test pits Matty\'s group against a horde of tough monsters and a big boss that makes the test proctor quake with fear, but that only excites Matthias.
After a quick massacre of local monsters, Matty\'s group quickly rises to C-rank, but to advance further requires passing difficult tests.
In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world\'s Strongest Sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation! ONE BOY WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO BE THE WORLD\'S STRONGEST...
NOT EVEN TAKING TESTS! After entering the Rajinia Alliance, Matthias and his companions begin their grind to become A-rank adventurers