What potion can restore a young girl\'s invalid mother to full health? What spell would give a bullied teenager the power to strike back against her tormentors? Edith Penn knew.
Come back under the spell as Sean Mcdonough returns with a new novel of witchcraft and terror!.
Nobody except for the Thirteen Black Cats of Edith Penn.
The dying here has only just begun, and nobody can say when it\'s going to end.
Something that only grows stronger every day. ...
But something is alive in the small town of New Birmingham.
Edith Penn is dead.
But that\'s all over now.
If you believed the stories whispered around town, there wasn\'t anything that the old witch couldn\'t do for the right price.
What potion can restore a young girl\'s invalid mother to full health? What spell would give a bullied teenager the power to strike back against her tormentors? Edith Penn knew