Sadie meets Natasha Preston in this riveting, emotional YA thriller from beloved poet and YouTuber Savannah Brown called Visceral, pitch-perfect...
A captivatingly moody, introspective drama.
What is picture-perfect June hiding? And does Sydney even want to know?.
Sydney and June grow closer in the wake of the accident, but it\'s clear that not everyone is happy about their new friendship.
And when June Copeland, the homecoming queen whose life seems perfect, shows up at the funeral, Sydney\'s confusion grows.
Grief-stricken Sydney can\'t understand why the police have no explanation for what happened the night of her dad\'s car crash.
Which is why it\'s so shocking when he\'s killed in an accident.
He knows everybody\'s secrets. ( Kirkus Reviews ) Sometimes it\'s safer for the Truth to stay a secret Sydney\'s dad is the only psychiatrist for miles in their small Ohio town.
Sadie meets Natasha Preston in this riveting, emotional YA thriller from beloved poet and YouTuber Savannah Brown called Visceral, pitch-perfect...
A captivatingly moody, introspective drama