Although it takes two to have a great marriage, an important truth for any marriage partner to realize is that he or she can really change no one other than him or herself.
Recognizing that most if not all married women have either experienced a time when her marriage felt lifeless--or sat with another female friend or family member who was experiencing that situation--this book is also a wonderful resource for those times..
The Wholehearted Wife is written by Erin and Greg Smalley, along with Gary Smalley, the creator and presenter of Keys to a Loving Relationship , one of the best-selling video series of all time.
Nevertheless, changes in just one person can have an amazing impact on a marriage relationship! Instead of focusing on How do I have a better marriage? this book embraces that truth, and helps women ponder the question, How can I be the best wife I can be? It provides every woman with skills, information, and encouragement to make a positive difference to this and future generations, by wholeheartedly investing in her marriage and her Relationship with her husband today.
Although it takes two to have a great marriage, an important truth for any marriage partner to realize is that he or she can really change no one other than him or herself