MILITARY WRITERS SOCIETY AWARD WINNING BOOK --- I have waited for over 45 years to tell this story, initially because I Just wanted to forget the war and get on with making a living and raising a family.
Continuing to chase his passion, he has taught fire ground tactics and command at the National Emergency Training Cent.
Riots, the Malibu Fire Storms, the Northridge Earthquakes, and many other natural and man-caused disasters.
He rose through the ranks to the position of second in command of the Department and had the privilege to be in a command position for the L.
After he was discharged from the Marine Corps he joined the Los Angeles County Fire Department and became one of the nation\'s first Firefighter Paramedics.
He credits his experience with the Marine Corps for his Passion for customer service and leadership.
Surrounded by outstanding leadership and the "What ever it takes" attitude of the Marines he served with changed his life forever.
He was thrust into an assignment as the Senior Corpsman in charge of all the medical need of a two hundred man Marine rifle company engaged in combat operations on the DMZ during the Tet Offensive.
Having little or no ambition and looking for some excitement in his life he volunteered for a four year tour of duty as a Navy Corpsman "Doc" attached to the Marine Corps during the height of the Vietnam War.
Miller "Doc" USMCAbout the Author: The Award Winning Author --- Larry grew up as a latchkey kid on the streets of South Los Angeles.
Semper Fi Larry C.
It\'s about time you heard the truth about their story.
This book is less about me and more about the sacrifice, incredible hardships, and heroic actions displayed by the Marine Grunts that I had the privilege to treat during battles on the DMZ.
The other reason is that 45 years ago, thanks to the biased media, the American fighting man was not held in very high esteem and no one was ready to hear anything good about the Vietnam War or about the men who fought and died there.
MILITARY WRITERS SOCIETY AWARD WINNING BOOK --- I have waited for over 45 years to tell this story, initially because I Just wanted to forget the war and get on with making a living and raising a family