The Tools for Stability books lists Tools that Melva has learned, not from doctors, but by her experiences.
Melva\'s thoughtful book is a lifesaver..
This affects all.
People in our world have stress and anger.
This book can not only help people that have a mental illness, it can help their families and anyone that wants to improve their mental health and their relationships.
She describes her experiences and gives tips in dealing with PTSD and bipolar.
She learned how to deal with medications, tips on saving money, how to find a compatible roommate, many other Tools to survive in a troubled world.
Melva learned how to work with doctors so they would listen.
Other Tools are in the chapters on stress management, sleep, etc.
The chapter on anger management describes constructive anger that strengthens a relationship and/or families.
A person can learn quickly by reading this book.
She wanted people to learn what has taken her 25 years to learn.
The Tools for Stability books lists Tools that Melva has learned, not from doctors, but by her experiences