Editie bilingva: romana-engleza.
Foto: Florin Andreescu Text: Dana Ciolca.
The region\'s tumultuous history has left behind a fascinating tapestry of dynamic cultural landscapes capable of shaping their future while never forgetting their past.
Transylvania Lying within the stone ring of the Carpathians, forming the very heart of Romania, Transylvania is a region where the civilisations of West and East meet.
Transilvania Situata ln inima Romaniei, in cercul de piatra al Muntilor Carpati, Transilvania fascineaza datorita istoriei sale tumultuoase, cucereste prin mozaicul peisajelor sale culturale, care oglindesc situarea sa la granita dintre civilizatiile vest-europene si est-europene, si surprinde prin capacitatea de a-si modela viitorul asumandu-si trecutul.
Editie bilingva: romana-engleza