A vicious romance imbued with magic, thievery, and necromancy...
As the magically bound pair infiltrate Haven and their heist becomes a hunt, Tehlor isn\'t sure if she\'s the predator or prey....
Control the dead.
Steal the Breath of Judas.
Work together.
Despite Lincoln\'s troubling enthusiasm for demonology, she strikes a deal with her unruly vorðr, hoping to mend their strained relationship...
When a mysterious neo-church arrives in Gideon, Tehlor catches wind of a rare relic.
But Lincoln Stone has no interest in becoming a magical sentry and raising him from the dead comes with violent consequences.
Miraculously, Hel the goddess of death, grants Tehlor an audience.
Entranced by the promise of ritualistic power, she seizes her chance to secure a vorðr.
When Tehlor Nilsen stumbles upon an abandoned corpse hidden in her friend\'s empty house, she can\'t ignore the energy lingering around the broken albeit familiar body.
A vicious romance imbued with magic, thievery, and necromancy..