Seven Things Your Dreams Need from You is an immediately-helpful, life-changing tool on how to make Your Dreams a reality.
Herbert believes that "it is Your life story, and you can rewrite it if you want to.".
Herbert currently resides in Pennsylvania with his wife and daughter.
Herbert travels the country adding value to individuals and organization.
Herbert is a motivational speaker and author of the best-seller Man Enough to Listen.
Herbert had added value to organizations such as Baltimore housing developments, Baltimore public schools, mental health practices, community colleges, T-Mobile, churches, and more.
Herbert also specializes in leadership Development for youth.
Herbert is the founder and president of Invisible Ink Leadership Development, which specializes in personal and professional development and leadership training.
Maxwell Team, the number one organization in the world in terms of leadership development.
About author(s): Herbert Fenner is a certified speaker, teacher, trainer, coach, and a member of the John C.
Now is the time to understand that Your Dreams matter.
Now is the time to make Your Dreams a reality.
Now is the time to be Your best self.
Now is the time to rewrite Your story and live Your best life.
This book is a life-changer for those who are in limbo and have lost sight of their dreams.
Seven Things Your Dreams Need from You will assist you with navigating through life and help you chart the course to achieving Your Dreams and living Your best life.
Not only does "all lives matter," but Your Dreams also matter and should not be ignored nor neglected.
Seven Things Your Dreams Need from You is an immediately-helpful, life-changing tool on how to make Your Dreams a reality