It is written that God\'s truth is like a buried treasure.
It\'s life long vitality will strengthen and empower the women of God in their life of Faith, while also demonstrating how to walk in victory over persecution and ungodly strongholds..
God\'s truth is better than any manmade battery.
Through accurate knowledge of His word, women will know and understand their true identity and purpose on earth.
Through the revelations in various chapters in Anticipated Warriors, women will come to understand that when they are in a relationship of trust and belief in Jesus, fear is not an option.
Anticipated Warriors breaks that pattern.
The result is that millions of women over the passage of years have remained in bondage and never understood their true value and purpose in God\'s eternal plan.
However, on a spiritual basis, the broth of God\'s truth, that is mixed with doctrine, has left an uncountable multitude of women starving to death while sitting on church pews.
Soup is known to be good for the natural body because it includes a multitude of healthy ingredients.
Anticipated Warriors breaks the stick that the women of God may eat freely at the table with Jesus.
It gives a hint of a promise that yet remains unreachable.
Yet, freedom for women, especially in the world of religion, has been like the proverbial carrot on a stick.
More so, women were and are appointed and anointed to fulfill a purpose in God\'s eternal plan.
It is a biblical fact that women are included in His spiritual congregation.
Jesus said whom He makes free is free indeed.
Women will be delighted to read the Bible with renewed joy and anticipation as they find the true treasure of God\'s love for them hidden within His Word.
Each chapter of Anticipated Warriors presents a gem or two of God\'s unadulterated and organic truth as never before seen.
But it was shrouded like buried gems.
God\'s truth, love, and eternal thoughts about women has always been in His Word.
Anticipated Warriors is the shovel.
It is written that God\'s truth is like a buried treasure