LA VERDADERA PELEA ES AQUELLA QUE NO PUEDES VER El reino sobrenatural es muy real e impacta directamente nuestras vidas cotidianas.
This book.
Slaying Dragons will show readers what the enemy is trying to accomplish and how they can slay every dragon they encounter--in their lives and in the world.
But our daily battles are part of a much bigger war, and we have been given all we need to win.
It\'s easy to lose sight of the big picture as we focus on our everyday struggles.
It also contains real-world examples of encounters with spiritual darkness, demonstrating examples of how "the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it" (John 1: 5, NIV).
Daniel Kolenda demystifies spiritual warfare to shine light on what the enemy is doing in readers\' lives and what they can do to slay every dragon they encounter.
Through God\'s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit we are equipped to be more than conquerors through Christ With doctrinally sound, practical teaching, Slaying Dragons shows how the demonic realm fits into orthodox thoughts on salvation, redemption, and kingdom life.
Though the spiritual world is invisible, we are not unaware of the enemy\'s schemes.
Often spiritual battles lie behind our everyday struggles.
The supernatural realm is very real, and it directly impacts our day-to-day lives.
Daniel Kolenda desmitifica la Guerra Espiritual Para arrojar luz sobre lo que el enemigo est haciendo en tu vida y lo que puedes hacer Para aplastar a cada drag n que encuentres.
Por medio de la Palabra de Dios y el poder del Esp ritu Santo estamos equipados Para ser m s que vencedores a trav s de Cristo Con una ense anza doctrinalmente s lida y pr ctica, Aplastar s Dragones muestra c mo el reino demon aco se integra a los pensamientos ortodoxos sobre la salvaci n, la redenci n y la vida del reino.
Aunque el reino Espiritual es invisible, estamos conscientes de las estrategias del enemigo.
Y no solo eso, sino que a veces est detr s de nuestras batallas diarias.
LA VERDADERA PELEA ES AQUELLA QUE NO PUEDES VER El reino sobrenatural es muy real e impacta directamente nuestras vidas cotidianas