Somehow, mounting a horse immediately settles you into the present moment.
Full of sensual detail and philosophical wanderings, Enchantment will immerse you in the sights and sounds of the life of a Dude and inspire your own contemplation of the things that fill you with awe..
In this collection of poems, SD Stalzer captures the enchantment and wonder of America\'s First Dude ranch, Eatons\' Ranch in Wolf, Wyoming, from the wild Big Horn Mountains to the rich prairies, accompanied by striking black and white photos of the exquisite natural beauty of the area.
An awe of the pristine mountains and geologic history that awakens a longing often forgotten - for freedom, for memory, for being at one with the movements of the earth.
Awe of your own strengths as you conquer your fears.
Awe of the new directions you can literally take yourself.
And with that new mindfulness, that special connection between human and animal, a door opens to experiences of awe.
Being responsible for a thousand pounds of muscle with a will of its own forces all other thoughts out of your mind, as you remind yourself to sit properly and recall the basics of steering.
Somehow, mounting a horse immediately settles you into the present moment