In our anonymous and dehumanized world, the simple practice of Friendship is radically countercultural.
Heuertz and Pohl\'s reflections offer fresh insight into Christian Mission and what it means to be the church in the world today..
When we befriend those on the margins of society by practicing hospitality and welcome, we create communities where righteousness and justice can be lived out.
They contend that unlikely friendships are at the center of an alternative paradigm for mission, where people are not objectified as potential converts but encountered in a relationship of Mutuality and reciprocity.
Chris Heuertz, international director of Word Made Flesh, and theologian and ethicist Christine Pohl show how Friendship is a Christian vocation that can bring reconciliation and healing to our broken world.
But sometimes Christians inadvertently marginalize and objectify the very ones they most want to serve.
In our anonymous and dehumanized world, the simple practice of Friendship is radically countercultural