Description Avoid the crowded beaches of the well known costas of Spain and head to the Galician coastline instead for a refreshing and sunny change.
Marineda City - Kailua Kayak, Windsurf & Kitesurf - Fish Auctions - Lacteos Anzuxao".
B - Places To Eat & Drink - Restaurante Boga - O Piorno - Restaurante O Elefante - Restaurante-Raxeria El Rubio - Nueva Taperia La Abuela - Places To Shop - Mercado de Abastos de Santiago - C.
A Coruna, Vigo & the Shellfish Coast of Galicia, Spain - Overview - Culture - Location & Orientation - Climate & When To Visit - Sightseeing Highlights - Santiago de Compostela - A Coruna - Vigo - San Carlos Garden - Monte de San Pedro Park - Galicia Marine Museum - Vigo Municipal Museum - Vigo Zoo - Cies Island and Nature Reserve - Naval Museum and Exponav - Parque Natural Fragas do Eume - Fervenza do Toxa - Illa de Arousa - Aquapark de Cerceda - Recommendations for the Budget Traveler - Places To Stay - La Pension Palacio - Hostal Ria de Vigo - Pension Badalada - Hostal Colon Riviera - Hostal J.
In the Costa do Marisco (Shellfish Coast), the Norwegian-style fjords of the Rias Altas hide deserted beaches, shallow lagoons and pretty little villages where freshly caught fish and shellfish are plentiful on local menus.
Description Avoid the crowded beaches of the well known costas of Spain and head to the Galician coastline instead for a refreshing and sunny change