Christo Fourie is a Clinical Audiologist who has revolutionised the Australian Hearing aid market.
He also strips away some of the myths about Hearing aids, clearly and simply explains how modern Hearing aids work, and reveals the sometimes dirty tricks that can befall the unsuspecting buyer..
He also reviews improvements in technology, particularly with respect to Bluetooth enabled Hearing aids and their applications, and how Hearing aids can help mask tinnitus.
Fourie explains how to find the best Hearing aid for you - not the seller - and how to get a good deal no matter who you end up buying from.
Inside, Mr.
First published as the Hearing Aid Buyers Guide, the Hearing Aid Buyers Companion is revised, expanded, and updated.
He also wanted to make his clients feel that they - not the sale - were the most important part of the process and give them confidence they were getting the Hearing aid that was right for them, not the one best for the retailer\'s bottom line.
Fourie established his own Hearing aid retail company, he determined to offer the widest range possible at the best value for money.
When Mr.
Dominated for many years by retailers linked to or owned by the Hearing aid manufacturers themselves, the marketplace has often offered clients limited choices at high prices.
Christo Fourie is a Clinical Audiologist who has revolutionised the Australian Hearing aid market