Tehnologie Imprimare: Termal monocrom</strong><br /><strong>
Font: 9 x 17/12 x 24</strong><br /><strong>
Capacitate coloane: 56/42</strong><br /><strong>
Dimensiuni caracter: 0.99(W) x 2.4(H)/1.41(W) x 3.39(H)mm {0.039 x 0.095”/0.056 x 0.133”}</strong><br /><strong>
Caractere presetate: 95 Alphanumeric, 37 International, 128 x 8 Graphic, Traditional/Simple Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Korean</strong><br /><strong>
Coduri de bare: UPC-A, UPC-E, JAN8 (EAN), JAN13 (EAN), CODE 39, CODE 93, CODE 128, ITF, CODABAR</strong><br /><strong>
Caractere pe inch: 20 cpi/15 cpi</strong><br /><strong>
Interfata: RS-232C, RS-485, 10Base-T I/F</strong><br /><strong>
Data buffer: 4 KB/45 bytes</strong><br /><strong>
Viteza tiparire maxima: 150mm {5.9”}/sec. function: 2 drivers</strong><br /><strong>
Dimensiuni: 145 x 195 x 148mm (W x D x H) {5.71 x 7.68 x 5.83”}</strong><br /><strong>
Greutate aproximativa: 1.8 kg {3.96 lb}</strong><br /><strong>
Culori: ECW, EDG</strong><br /><strong>
Standarde EMC: VCCI class A, FCC class A, CE marking, AS/NZS 3548 class B</strong><br /><strong>
Standarde de siguranta: UL, CSA, TÜV (EN60950)</strong></p>. (47 lps, 1/8” conversion)</strong><br /><strong>
Dimensiuni rola hartie: 79.5 ± 0.5(W) x diameter 83.0mm {3.13 ± 0.02 x diameter 3.27”}</strong><br /><strong>
Grosimea hartiei: 0.06 to 0.07mm {0.0024 to 0.0028”}</strong><br /><strong>
D. <p><strong>
Tehnologie Imprimare: Termal monocrom</strong><br /><strong>
Font: 9 x 17/12 x 24</strong><br /><strong>
Capacitate coloane: 56/42</strong><br /><strong>
Dimensiuni caracter: 0.99(W) x 2.4(H)/1.41(W) x 3.39(H)mm {0.039 x 0.095”/0.056 x 0.133”}</strong><br /><strong>
Caractere presetate: 95 Alphanumeric, 37 International, 128 x 8 Graphic, Traditional/Simple Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Korean</strong><br /><strong>
Coduri de bare: UPC-A, UPC-E, JAN8 (EAN), JAN13 (EAN), CODE 39, CODE 93, CODE 128, ITF, CODABAR</strong><br /><strong>
Caractere pe inch: 20 cpi/15 cpi</strong><br /><strong>
Interfata: RS-232C, RS-485, 10Base-T I/F</strong><br /><strong>
Data buffer: 4 KB/45 bytes</strong><br /><strong>
Viteza tiparire maxima: 150mm {5.9”}/sec