Often, I tell my daughters, when interested in a man, wait for him to find you; for if he is God sent, then he is looking for you; and always remember to look at his shoes, because if he can\'t take care of his shoes, then he can\'t take care of you.
Her voice, like the prophets of old can bring calm to chaos, and discernment in troublesome times..
A women\'s prophetic voice is needed today more than ever before, especially as we navigate through the maze of a misogynistic cosmos.
Quite the contrary to man\'s opinion, God does not just call them, but orders their steps, and He uses them to combat satanic forces, condemn evil, tear down strongholds, and raise standards, all while concomitantly declaring that Jesus Christ is still the way, the truth and the life.
This book will maximize the abilities and the calling of Women rather than minimize them like the world sometimes does, refuting the notion that God does not call Women to be Bishops, Pastors, Evangelist, and Prophetess.
It is these Women who have made laudatory contributions to the church, culture, and society.
Indispensable Women of Faith is a book that will categorize the imprints, bravery, and biblical rectitude of many of the anointed, God-fearing Women in the Bible and in the world.
Often, I tell my daughters, when interested in a man, wait for him to find you; for if he is God sent, then he is looking for you; and always remember to look at his shoes, because if he can\'t take care of his shoes, then he can\'t take care of you