Only Footnotes .
Because sometimes even a footnote needs a footnote.. *plus additional annotations from the author.
Smarter books are Only footnotes.
This slender, elegant volume contains everything the man ever passed off as his dubious, malformed "wisdom." Smart books have footnotes.
The Footnotes are the best part! Why not read Only the footnotes, and skip all that other junk? After literal minutes of effort, Only Footnotes collects every single footnote from all of Lucas\' books to date.* Recycle those cumbersome treatises stuffed with irrelevant facts! No more flipping through pages and pages of actual technical knowledge looking for the offhand movie reference or half-formed joke.
What he does with them wouldn\'t pass academic muster, but that doesn\'t mean the reader should skip them.
Michael W Lucas loves them.
Academics hate footnotes.
Because that\'s why you read his books.
Only Footnotes