Are you constantly on a stress rollercoaster, jumping from frantic to collapsed without ever finding a place of comfort? In SETTLED , physical therapist Chantal Donnelly searches for ways to help her patients and ends up delving into the fascinating science behind stress.
Say goodbye to the stress rollercoaster and hello to a settled and balanced life..
Whether you\'re feeling overwhelmed, trying to improve your health and relationships, or wanting to relax enough to enjoy your successes, this book is for you.
Regain the sense of vitality, ease, and connection you are longing for.
Learn to communicate with your body so you can reap the positive benefits of stress while minimizing its negative effects.
Through personal anecdotes, case studies, research, and her professional expertise, Donnelly\'s innovative guidebook offers you quick and easy tools for finding calm.
She discovers it\'s not just a mental or emotional issue, but a physical one too.
Are you constantly on a stress rollercoaster, jumping from frantic to collapsed without ever finding a place of comfort? In SETTLED , physical therapist Chantal Donnelly searches for ways to help her patients and ends up delving into the fascinating science behind stress