Description Haitian Vodou is a participatory faith that brings you the servitor into full frontal contact with the Spirits of Vodou.
With recipes for bathes, guidance on setti.
Music, scent, sound and dance all combine to create a rarefied arena in which the Spirits can arrive and interact with you directly.
Create this extraordinary location in your temple and you will experience the electric energy of which she speaks.
This remarkable event is achieved through creation of what La Menfo calls The Vibrational Crossroad of Vodou.
This generosity is further elucidated in service, when through the action of prayers and dance, the community can speak directly to the "angels" - the very spirits of the Vodou faith.
Sosyetes provide the basics to everyone - food, shelter, love and help.
Haitian Vodou achieves this remarkable longevity by keeping to its ancestral African theology of ancestor reverence, family oriented events and community driven rituals such as marriage, baptisms and kanzo (the ordination ritual of Vodou.) Each Vodou house is comprised of leaders called "mambo" and "papa," who are the parents of the congregation, with all the members being their \'children\'.
These watch words are the foundational belief of Haitian Vodou, and are kept to this very day by every sosyete that teaches, practices and keeps the Vodou faith alive.
And Respect those who walk with you in this life.
Honor those who have gone before you.
By doing so, their message to the future generations was simple.
They designed a faith that gave respect to everyone, and included everyone.
Although they were from different nations and practiced different systems of belief, these survivors choose to find commonality with their fellow men.
The Africans who survived the terrors of the Middle Passage crafted a remarkable faith for themselves and their families.
Descended from the Africans who were brought into the New World during the slave era, Haitian Vodou has survived and thrived on the island of Haiti.
Description Haitian Vodou is a participatory faith that brings you the servitor into full frontal contact with the Spirits of Vodou