"I have been told, but did not myself see the animal, that there are found, at this place a species of domestic fowls which have no feathers, their skin being clothed with a black hair, resembling the fur of cats.
Covered in this book: - Behavior - Biology - Breeding - Buying - Care - Costs - Feeding - Grooming - Health - History - Living area - Preparing for a flock - Showing - Sweet personality - Tips ...and much more.
You\'ll learn all you need to know to make you and your Silkie Chickens happy.
This will help you decide what to do when choosing, caring for and taming your Silkie cuties.
You will find checklists, tips and detailed information inside.
This is a how-to raise Silkies guide that provides the perfect blend of instruction, inspiration and reference for both newbies and experienced keepers.
Good husbandry matters a lot in pet quality Silkies.
This Book is for Silkie chicken enthusiasts looking to get useful tips and knowledge on raising this breed.
Welcome to the fabulous world of Silkie chickens.
This marvelous breed of chicken has fascinated chicken lovers for a long time.
They lay eggs like other fowls, and are good to eat." These were Marco Polo\'s words describing Silkie Chickens as he was travelling in Asia in the 13th century.
Such a sight must be extraordinary. "I have been told, but did not myself see the animal, that there are found, at this place a species of domestic fowls which have no feathers, their skin being clothed with a black hair, resembling the fur of cats