The Romanian version of this book was published as Dalnic.
We actually urge you to go see for yourselves! - Brindusa Armanca.
The nights spent in Gal Mansion are as true as life, nothing left to invention: we did sit under the four-trunk walnut tree, sprawled on the sofas in the aristocratic halls, and dreamt in front of the fireplace, thereby fanning the fertile dialogues of this book born out of journalistic prying and childish joy at stories alive.
We ransacked the place for clues; we knocked on gates to see ruined mansions and marvelous parks towered by centuries old Gingko biloba trees; we haunted the graveyard uphill; we partook in the Reformed Church Service and also of woodpecker’s diligence, as it was pecking nude the steeple eaves; we ate potato bread, red onions and smoked lard, also savoring sweet nutty vanilla kurtos which beat all else their kind, by any standards; we took snap shots and videos of the Doja massive statues; we visited the local museums and the fabled mofettes; we enjoyed meeting carnival Hussars and peasants displaying baskets full of potatoes, onions and pumpkins, on local Thanksgiving Day fair [...].
Roman es magyar ujsagirok Dozsa falujarol.
The Hungarian version of this book was published as Dalnok felfedezese.
Reporteri in Secuime.
Istorii nespuse din satul lui Doja.
The Romanian version of this book was published as Dalnic