Unless they research the subject for themselves, many people do not realise that the origins and development of the Human entity are largely an unresolved mystery.
This book is concerned with the many theoretical scientific theories as to the origin of the Human race..
This work refers to, and draws together the previous work of respected scientists and looks at the future scenarios that the latest genetic and environmental sciences are pointing towards.
This book explores the fanatic proposition that mankind\'s rapid development with regard to the Human brain may have been influenced by extra terrestrial sources.
In particular, it examines the Human brain as a uniquely wonderful creation which can be viewed as a gift from God (or was it the gods?) besides Darwinian evolution and Biblical creation.
So begins \' The Human Enigma \', a truly epic enquiry into the origins of our world and the creatures that walk upon.
When you read the work, you will find that this is simply not true.
He found that he also had been subtly indoctrinated with such remarks \'cousins\' and \'relatives\' with regard to the apes and assumed like most others, that all the facts where in.
Before the Author\'s own research, he was among them.
Unless they research the subject for themselves, many people do not realise that the origins and development of the Human entity are largely an unresolved mystery