The Polychrome Historical Haggadah for the Passover Seder has a commentary, interpretive translation, introduction, and notes.
This Haggadah also has several full-page color reproductions of illustrations from famous medieval Haggadahs, a bibliography and an index to all the sources cited in the marginal notes..
The Hebrew text is printed in seven colors to reveal the Historical periods of origin of the sources for every paragraph, verse, phrase, and even for single words.
It has Freedman\'s vibrant English translation.
This classic edition of the Passover Haggadah was designed by Rabbi Jacob Freedman to expose to the readers the composite literary layers of the book and its system of scriptural quotations.
The Foreword by Tzvee Zahavy describes the Seder as a scribal opera and the Haggadah as its libretto.
The Polychrome Historical Haggadah for the Passover Seder has a commentary, interpretive translation, introduction, and notes