Featuring over 150 yogic postures from the main schools of yoga, including Iyengar and Astanga Vinyasa, this Guide provides a comprehensive illustrated step-by-step book to achieving the postures, and advice on altering them where necessary with easier postures highlighted for beginners.
The book encourages Yoga beginners and experts alike to find a Yoga sequence that suits their personal needs and abilities..
Featuring over 170 postures from the main schools of yoga, The Yoga Bible is the ultimate, comprehensive Guide to practicing Yoga and finding a mental and physical balance in life.
Yoga brings not only a suppleness to the body but also a sense of spiritual and physical well-being to those who practice it.
Featuring over 150 yogic postures from the main schools of yoga, including Iyengar and Astanga Vinyasa, this Guide provides a comprehensive illustrated step-by-step book to achieving the postures, and advice on altering them where necessary with easier postures highlighted for beginners